Emma Rhoads, LCSW, MS Sp. Ed., CBT
I approach psychotherapy as a creative, collaborative undertaking between therapist and client with the goal of creating a safe, healing relationship through which clients can discover and mobilize their deepest capacities for transformation. I have been in practice for over 15 years, working with clients of all ages, including adults, couples, young children & adolescents. Trained as a Special Educator as well as a psychotherapist, I have worked extensively with children with learning differences and challenges.
My work has included dyadic treatment of infants/mothers, play therapy with toddlers, preschoolers and elementary aged children and “floor time” approaches with children with developmental disorders. I also work as a school counselor with elementary aged children, where parent guidance and collaboration with teachers and school administrators are important components of my work.
If you have any questions, you can contact me at (917) 821-9365 or via email at erhoads88@gmail.com.

Paola Alessio, LMSW, CBT
What we need to do is recognize and work with Things As They Are. When we don’t, we get into trouble.
– The Tao of Pooh
I am an Italian licensed Psychologist and Psychotherapist who moved to the United States 5 years ago. I earned my LMSW at Fordham University and became a Certified Bioenergetic Therapist at the New York Society for Bioenergetic Analysis. I have been practicing in the mental health field for over 15 years, specializing in depression, anxiety, trauma & PTSD.
I have worked extensively with the elderly affected by degenerative syndromes and their families, and holocaust survivors, through Bioenergetic Analysis and support groups. I have also worked with children, adolescents and their families in both school and mental health settings – using play therapy and psychodrama. I am currently the co-leader of a Bioenergetic therapy group and I have been leading Bioenergetic movement groups since 2006.
If you have any questions, you can contact me at (347) 529-8250 or via email at paolalessio@gmail.com.